KGM International Group is an international group of companies which is active in many fields such as oil and petroleum industries (upstream and downstream), petrochemical industries, mining projects, water desalination and waste water treatment, pharmaceutical industries, agriculture organic components and etc. Here in KGM, we build a team of companies, universities and institutes worldwide especially in United states, Germany, Switzerland, Russia, Persian Golf countries and Iran to provide a new generation of high-tech technologies as solutions for industries. We also have representative offices in Germany, United States, Netherlands, Switzerland, Oman, Iran and China to provide our services all along. Specially, we are active in refining and producing section of petroleum industry with more than 15 years of experience and many petroleum joint companies all around the world.
Our strategy:
• Purpose:
We are a solution provider team that gathered all of our scientific and technical assets to develop new solutions for unsolved difficulties in petroleum industries. We believe that we can do much goods in those areas that no one steps in.
• Vision:
We will solve old unsolved problems and make huge benefits from them as well.
• Mission statement:
To build long-term and highly effective relationship with our customers and clients as a trusted mate and partner.
• Core value:
We believe that everyone should make good profits and this is a key point for every business to last long. Hard working, honesty and trust are our keys in every project. We are open in any kind of cooperation and we believe that we should know our clients as our partners and as a part of ourselves.
• Goals:
– Providing our services all around the world as one of very rare talented solution provider
companies in this field. And much more effective that our potential rivals for our customers.
– Make huge financial benefits and added value for our clients, partners and ourselves.
– Make this industry easier to handle.
– Lowering the costs and investments in this industry.
– Solve many of environmental difficulties and save our planet as much as we can.
Scope of work:
KGM HOLDING GROUP is focused in refining and producing section of petroleum industry. We provide a long range of hi-tech catalysts and technologies with a full package of services, consultancy and supervisions for refineries, distributers, oil fields, transportation pipelines and etc.
Financial considerations:
Our technologies can add a very impressive amount of value and benefits to current process of our clients. We also don’t charge any huge investment for the needed facility of our technologies and we don’t change much of the current system of the processes. We also lower the current costs of the process.
Other benefits:
– Strongly helps environment by fixing many environmental problems
– Improving the quality of products
– Improving the capacity of current sites
– Leading to much more reliable and stable situations in petroleum industry
– Not risky because of being affected by the price change of crude oil and petrol’s
Attached to our letter are our company introductory material and videos about our products and technologies.